This video was taken for Mike while he was traveling. We were borrowing this bouncy seat from a friend of my mom. Miriam was fascinated by the bubbles and moving stuff. Disregard the George Myers mention...long story.
She started sucking her thumb this week and also sleeps 10+ hours at night!
Wow, I would be fascinated with the bubbles and moving stuff in that TV aquarium too! How are Miriam and Hershey getting along together?
that look reminds me of something strangely familiar. like when schueler is enthralled by his favorite episode of star trek. or when he gazes into the thicket (or lake) into which he just hit his golf ball. or when he is mesmorized by the rainbow section at the department store (umbrella? kite? what else do i need?)
Fish tanks are the coolest, but this toy comes pretty close. I'd watch it for hours too.
And John, you forgot about the rainbow beach blanket.
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